「journal」 一覧

2018 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

Multifield Control of Domains in a Room-Temperature Multiferroic 0.85BiTi0.1Fe0.8Mg0.1O3–0.15CaTiO3 Thin Film


Tingting Jia, Ziran Fan, Junxiang Yao, Cong Liu, Yuhao Li, Junxi Yu, Bi Fu, Hongyang Zhao, Minoru Os ...

2018 Journal of Visualized Experiments

Chemical Synthesis of Porous Barium Titanate Thin Film and Thermal Stabilization of Ferroelectric Phase by Porosity-Induced Strain


Suzuki, N., Osada, M., Billah, M., Bando, Y., Yamauchi, Y., & Hossain, S. A. (2018). Chemic ...

2018 Angewandte Chemie

Extra‐Large Mechanical Anisotropy of a Hydrogel with Maximized Electrostatic Repulsion between Cofacially Aligned 2D Electrolytes


Koki Sano Yuka Onuma Arazoe Dr. Yasuhiro Ishida Dr. Yasuo Ebina Prof. Dr. Minoru Osada Prof. Dr. Tak ...

2018 Nature Materials

Vapour–liquid–solid growth of monolayer MoS2 nanoribbons


Li, S., Lin, Y., Zhao, W. et al. Vapour–liquid–solid growth of monolayer MoS2 nanorib ...

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